Dr. Roya Fathollahi, MD Internist, Primary Care DoctorDr. Roya Fathollahi is a board-certified Internist and Primary Care Physician. She completed her residency at NYU Langone Medical Center and has held faculty appointments at both Mount Sinai Hospital and NYU Langone Medical Center.BOOK Appointment5.0 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
She was very attentive and I could tell that she was actively listening to everything I had to say. She was smart and thorough at asking any follow up questions to my answers. I have never felt this attended to from a general physician in NYC.
Manhattan Specialty Care in the Press
About Dr. FathollahiDr. Roya Fathollahi is an NYU trained, board-certified Internist and Primary Care Physician. Her areas of interest include preventive medicine, management of hypertension, diabetes, lipid disorders and a wide array of general conditions. Dr. Fathollahi is a highly rated physician with many years of experience and is well regarded as a top New York City doctor and internist in Manhattan.Awards ReceivedSince completing residency at NYU Langone Medical Center, she has held faculty appointments at both Mount Sinai Hospital and NYU Langone Medical Center. Dr. Fathollahi believes in a patient-centered model of care and continually seeks to incorporate this model in her practice while respecting the individuality of each patient she treats.Clinical ResearchAs a leading doctor in Manhattan, Dr. Fathollahi has also been involved in clinical research studies in syncope (fainting) and near-syncopal episodes. Dr. Roya Fathollahi is an expert doctor in NYC and has won the respect and affection of many local New York physicians and patients for her extensive knowledge, attention to the details, warm and caring manner. She looks forward to meeting you!Education and training
• Medical School – Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine
• New York University Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone Medical Center (Internship)
• New York University Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone Medical Center, Residency in Internal Medicine
Hospital affiliations
• New York University Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone Medical Center
• Mount Sinai Medical Center
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Our site is the source of information about the internal medicine related conditions and procedures. This information is intended for patients looking to learn about our primary care practice in New York (Midtown and Upper East Side) and make an appointment to see one of our physicians. This information is only intended to provide guidance, not definitive medical advice. Please consult a doctor or primary care specialist about your specific condition. Only a trained physician can determine an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Terms and conditions are subject to change.