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Your skin is the body’s biggest organ, and while it is pretty resilient and able to shield you from the elements, it’s still vulnerable. Infections, allergens, environmental irritants, stress, and hereditary factors can all trigger skin disorders. The term skin disorder can describe various skin problems, and while some may be unsightly, they are harmless, but others may be contagious.

Often skin disorders are itchy or even painful. Allergens in foods, animal dander, or soaps can trigger an immune response, causing redness and itching. Bacteria, parasites, viruses, or fungi can cause skin disorders. Some skin disorders are due to genetics, such as eczema, which occurs more in families prone to allergies.

Acute Skin Problems

Acute skin problems are temporary and may resolve with time, or you can treat them with medicines. The most common acute skin problems include cold sores and dermatitis.

Cold Sores (Fever Blister) Treatments

Cold sores can result from the herpes simplex virus and can appear on the outside of your mouth but also on your fingers, cheeks, or nose.

You cannot cure cold sores, but you can alleviate the pain by applying ice or over-the-counter remedies containing agents like menthol and phenol that are too soft on scabs and reduce cracking.

However, when a cold sore is especially painful, the best primary care physician in NYC  may be able to prescribe oral medication to speed healing or anesthetic gel to alleviate the pain.


Anatomy of Dermatitis

Dermatitis covers many ailments, but dry, red, and itchy skin is its main sign. It may be caused by contacting irritants that can produce allergies.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is also associated with asthma, stress, and allergies.

Seborrheic dermatitis is called cradle cap in infants and dandruff in adults.

Nummular dermatitis causes red plaques that are coin-shaped and more frequently affect people between 55 and 65 who live in arid environments.

Stasis dermatitis is linked to poor circulation and can affect those with congestive heart failure or varicose veins.

Although our primary care physicians can diagnose the specific category of dermatitis, treatment is similar for most skin inflammation and irritation types.

If our general practitioners and primary care doctors in NYC suspect you may have dermatitis, you need to undergo skin testing. Small amounts of substances are applied directly to your skin under an adhesive covering, and over the next few days, we can examine your skin to see if you have reacted to any of the substances. This type of test is most helpful in identifying any specific contact allergies. You will require an evaluation by your doctor for an accurate diagnosis to formulate a treatment plan.

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Skin Treatment for Dermatitis

Depending on the cause of dermatitis, primary care physicians in NYC may prescribe steroid ointment, pills or an antihistamine, or corticosteroid creams. Our NYC primary care doctors may prescribe a hydrocortisone cream for a skin rash treatment, which can frequently provide relief. We do it on a case-by-case basis.

Chronic Skin Conditions

You cannot cure chronic skin conditions, but they can be managed and include psoriasis, eczema, acne, and rosacea. Specific treatment will depend on your diagnosis and the assessment of your physician.


Psoriasis causes red, bumpy thick patches that can appear anywhere but most commonly affects the scalp, knees, elbows, and lower back. Many treatments are available for psoriasis that can help slow the growth of new skin cells and relieve dry and itchy skin.

Our practitioners at primary care in Upper East Side, can prescribe the most suitable itchy skin treatment or dry skin treatment for your needs. Possible treatments include steroid creams and retinoid creams, and vitamin D cream. Light therapy can also help treat psoriasis.


Eczema causes the skin to become irritated or inflamed, and it is almost always itchy. Our general practitioners and primary care doctors in NYC can help you manage this disease with prescription ointments, light, or phototherapy. They can prescribe cyclosporine for people who fail to respond to other treatments. Also, it can be helpful to avoid irritants that can trigger eczema.


Acne is associated with adolescence, but it can occur at any age. You can usually manage the occasional outbreak using over-the-counter products. Still, more severe cases of acne require antibiotics and isotretinoin, which helps the skin to produce less oil. When the problem is hormone-related, women may benefit from birth control pills.


Rosacea mainly affects the face and can cause a ruddy appearance. Medical therapy can control or reverse some of the symptoms. Skin rash treatments include topical and oral medications.

Skin Fungal Infections

Skin fungal infections are widespread and include ringworm, yeast infections, and athletes’ foot.

Athletes Foot

Athletes foot grows in warm moist environments and thrives when you wear shoes and socks. Topical antifungal medication is an effective skin fungus treatment, but severe cases may require oral drugs. Usually, an athlete’s foot will respond to standard treatments, but we may take a small skin sample to examine under the microscope if it doesn’t.


Ringworm spreads by direct contact with an infected person or animal and creates a red, flat circular sore that can look scaly. You can treat it with antifungal medication applied directly to the skin. At Upper East Side internal medicine, our general practitioners and NYC primary care doctors can prescribe topical or oral drugs for more severe cases of ringworm.

Yeast Infections

Yeast infections result from a fungus called candida and can cause an itchy, scaly red rash. Candida tends to grow in warm moist areas and is more common in people who have diabetes or are obese. Medicated creams are popular for treating skin yeast infections.

Skin Discoloration

Skin discoloration is often due to birthmarks and freckles, but other types of discoloration include moles and skin tags. Most moles are not dangerous, but you should check them if they begin to change shape, itch, or bleed. Our general practitioners and primary care doctors in NYC can evaluate your moles to decide if further treatment is needed or may recommend regular monitoring. Skin tags are small flaps of tissue connected to the skin by a stalk. They are not dangerous but can become irritated if clothing or jewelry rubs against them.

Skin Disorders Treatment Plan

Please make an appointment with one of our doctors in Midtown Manhattan or Upper East Side. Skin lesions, changes, symptoms, or any abnormalities should be evaluated by your physician for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Our primary care doctors look forward to meeting you!

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Manhattan Primary Care Locations: Manhattan Primary Care (Upper East Side) 983 Park Ave, Ste 1D22, New York 10028
(212) 389-9929
Manhattan Primary Care (Midtown) 56 W 45th St, Ste 808, New York, NY 10036
(212) 389-1887
Manhattan Primary Care (Union Square) 55 W 17th St, Ste 105, New York 10011
(212) 378-9987
DISCLAIMER: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information on this website is to provide general guidance. In no way does any of the information provided reflect definitive medical advice and self diagnoses should not be made based on information obtained online. It is important to consult a best-in-class primary care physician in Midtown or Upper East Side regarding ANY and ALL symptoms or signs as it may a sign of a serious illness or condition. A thorough consultation and examination should ALWAYS be performed for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Be sure to call a physician today and schedule a consultation with a top internal medicine doctor.